Triplex Project Construction Begins
Monday, May 24, 2021 - Jemez Pueblo
Construction of the Triplex Project located by the Old Church within the Pueblo of Jemez has begun. The official ground breaking of this project will occur in June 2021, however, current preparations for this project have begun with the construction of an underground electrical conduit. This electrical conduit will allow for the electric overhead wire to be safely relocated to below ground, thus, reducing any electrical hazard risks while the Triplex units are being built.
The Pueblo of Jemez Housing Authority (POJHA) is requesting your help by avoiding the construction area shown on the map. Heavy and large construction equipment will be onsite beginning in June, therefore, the boundary of the construction site may increase. This request is for your safety and the safety of the construction crew. Barriers and fences have been placed at the site as of June 1, 2021.

The anticipated time of completion of the entire project is December 2021 with most of the heavy construction being completed by the end of Summer (2021). The Pueblo of Jemez Housing Authority and the Pueblo of Jemez Tribal Government are very happy and excited to begin this project. "We, along with the families, are very eager and excited to have the Triplex homes built. The families have waited quite a long time for their homes to be re-built." said Greta Armijo, Director for the Pueblo of Jemez Housing Authority.
A "Project" page will be established and posted to POJHA's website very soon. This page will showcase the progress being made on the Triplex project. An announcement will be made once this page has been developed and posted.