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"Life On My Terms"

Financial Workshops

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Meeting ID: 870 0783 7975

Passcode: PJHA

The Pueblo of Jemez Housing Authority is pleased to announce its first workshop of 2022! 


This free workshop and is open to all individuals and families. 

The workshops are designed to educate potential homeowners of the numerous aspects of homeownership as well as gain an better understanding of the financial portion in homeownership.

Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to attend all sessions in order to gain the most value and understanding of the material being presented.  There will be special sessions throughout these workshops such as a presentation given by the POJ Realty Department on the Residential Lease process within the Pueblo of Jemez.

If you have any questions about this great opportunity, please contact Estevan Sando by phone at (575) 834-0305 or by email at

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